About Karen
I joined the military in the early 1990's and graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Commerce and a Diploma of Administration. I graduated from my officer training also in the early 1990's but unfortunately during that time, while on duty I was involved in a major motor vehicle accident which resulted in me requiring continuous rehabilitation. I took some leave from the military for a short time, but after returning 1999 I was diagnosed with major chronic health problems associated with the trauma and injuries sustained in the accident. I was medically discharged from the military in 2001.
I've had multiple surgeries and procedures and substantial rehabilitation for various chronic conditions that have developed from my injuries since the accident, culminating in a bi-maxilla osteotomy (leaving me with 6 plates and 31 screws in my face), thus allowing me to breathe more easily. Life seems to have improved considerably since being able to do so.
I love scuba diving with my husband and enjoy underwater photography. I do these mainly for mental relaxation even if the diving is challenging for me at times. Fortunately, the anti-gravitational effects seem to temporarily alleviate some of my aches and pains and concentrating on this alien world takes me away from dwelling on my emotional issues for a short period of time, giving me much needed respite. I also enjoy bush walking.